Friday, January 23, 2009

High Estrogen Levels Symptoms

music music music

for my Verständis I've toiled enough today, so again a record. Today is all about music. How could you not read in my last entry, we have a few essays aufgebrummt get two of them in music. With the small (800 characters) I've already started on Wednesday. Since I still lack even half, I hope I did on Monday during music class enlightenment, otherwise the letter of the second half pretty exhausting. Today it was time to sign the 1600 essay. When I started in about? Let's have been around 12:00. Will I have the time in which I have eaten with dinner from Marie, I was sitting a good 6 1 / 2 hours to the article. But he is ready * muahaha * 1607 character (^ ^) v We have lessons in classical and avant-garde music and world music made by (the latter we have just yet). Classical music was okay, I like classical music. Avant-garde music is funny. But to read quite well what to write. Only the World ... yes, maybe dadran it was also that I have slept in the last hour (I transform myself into a Japanese woman), but I could think of absolutely nothing to box. I hope my text is not very useful free. But what will the aunt also great. We will write how we found the individual styles, our feelings. In an essay for the university. Because I'd think are not a German professor on it. Leave them as a final essay about the feelings that triggered these songs to you. So cheap and not very scientific, the even ... it's still damn hard. Especially if you then have a song like that of John Cage with the wonderful name of 4'33. I'll show a video. recommended

particularly well is the piano version, as an open whole new worlds of sound.
To get more impressions Here are two more songs, among other things, were presented in class.

Der Lindenbaum (The Winder trip to Franz Schubert)

Gymnopedie No. 1 (Erik Satie)

Today I'm on YouTube then discovered that a Dears members must have already received the new single by Gackt, because the B-side of GHOST is already uploaded (O_O) GHOST gabs already as PV. I must say the video does not really appeal to me, but the song is cool.


Blue Lagoon

And finally, a few songs with me lately as ear worms. The first is me constantly informed of Luke in the head ... I think that is almost our Fukuihymne.

Roland Kaiser - I think it goes again

John Barrowman & Maria Friedman - High Flying Adored (from Evita )

Carly Simon - You're So Vain

John Travolta - Sandy (from Grease)

Yes, I think the It was by and large, I will now again going through my words, it will take at least still just under 2 hours. Eating lunch tomorrow, we go a little big group. Let's see what there is so delicious and who else will be there. Originally, this meal was meant as a karaoke + food, but while we are all stuck in the exam period we go for dinner only. The meeting simply to a later to put forward would have been too easy.