Today night at 12 clock rang at one time in my hostel, the alarm bells. Item 12? This can only be an exercise be. I turned around and thought 'naaaa, I'm now not get out'.
did when I heard people outside, but then I opened the door and there was a lot of smoke. Yellow, dusty smoke anywhere on the course. Everyone was confused and did not know what to do. Quickly packed up all the important things and by the smoke.
The bell rang still.
More and more people walked around on the floor and looked out the fire. At some point I then met with firefighters who had been alerted that it will burn. But nowhere a fire ....?
They gave clear and we were allowed back to the room.
Mysterious, is not it? Where Aiman Abdallah is when you need him again? Do the Illuminati or Masons to do something with it? :)
Across from my hostel where one building with the following symbol ...
Info: (See icon)
hhhhmmmmmmmmmmmm .......? :)
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