since my last entry again done a lot. But do not be afraid to insert, I always learn better and breaks, to unwind and enjoy. I think I found a good path.
my journey began with the fact that my car had disappeared from the parking lot, where the big Saturday market was built ?!?... I went to Juhe and was wondering ... what's going on, there was no sign, ... who said only, which is always a way .. I should just look around, can not be far away and also costs nothing because they never write down .. I habs then found :-)... durchschnaufen .....
I am now inthe south along the west coast down. Really very nice! A coast road mostly on the sea. I then moved on after the "pancake rocks". The so called because they look like each other gestural appelt pancakes. The youth hostel was a lodge in the middle of the jungle. One of the main house and then distributed in the jungle about 8 houses .... to be found only by chance and a few small ways. Really funny ... and dr a way leads to a secluded beach (see picture) - really exciting. There I also a Deustche (Andrea) met again. She drives a piece with me and we share our fuel costs. Then came the Franz Josef and Fox Glaciers. Really nice, but not sooo impressive, as one would imagine. But within a few kilometers you have glaciers, mountains and 3000'er then sand beach and 27 degrees ,.... Very impressive. We then had a half-day absolute deluge. But it is sometimes beautiful. I wanted to do Heli Hiking. That is, with the helicopter flying over the mountains and then on the glacier ice hiking. Unfortunately it was canceled due to fog - and he had developed again in the afternoon eigenltich quite well. No matter .. have saved a lot of money .....
... then we got to Wanaka. The drive over the Haast Pass, along the lake was really great! Apparently It is on the west coast often rainy weather we had TOP. The mood then in Wanaka, on the lake you can see below .... and then, after the first night I decided to make Skydive! That is, a tandem jump from a flight See (3,800 meters). I went there and I thought that if today they have no place, then this was it ... and they had a place.
Wanaka is due to the lakes, high mountains and the rivers as the most beautiful area Skydive in New Zealand. I was strangely not so excited, I thought we. It looked all very professional and very friendly. Ichhabe but then put the more expensive version with a film (which has become really cool). Until boarding the plane was all good when ,....' Flight also ... as he said "so we had half now ... and I thought we jump the same, I have looked stupid. ... But I stayed really still kind of quiet. I've always wanted to do and I said to myself "here or not at all" ... and this has somehow given me the rest.
Then came the jump: the free fall is real hammer that goes so fast, the pressure is relative. high and then you come into the prone position and rises up to fly the glider. Hammer !!!!... when the screen rises, it is completely relaxed. You can enjoy only! Short but tolllll ... and now I can still hear a little bad .. but this usually passes with time. I've sometimes even the aircraft.
And I'm also a bit proud of myself because I have overcome me. Normally I'm a little sailor, but I really wanted to. Then this goes without problems. Bungy I'll still never do. Tomorrow I will maybe a whitewater river down with a sort of "Body Board," ... let's see .... and then threw the same with the adventure stuff. Then it is rather chilling with the boat in Milford Sound -. Must the DO No. 1 in New Zealand This is a very beautiful fjord. That I will make of Queenstown and then it goes on Monday next week to the east coast and gradually moved it to Chistchurm flight to Sydney.
So now I have time again written a lot, but you see: there is always something going on ..... and now I go read in the lake to relax and rest and maybe my newly purchased book in English ... when I have the nerve to do so.
small filmmakers Tip (Manu beware!): The Cinema Paradiso - a crazy shop ... Figure
Happy - Your "little Kiwi"
the beach, which was through the jungle to our youth hostel :-) (Pancake Rocks) |
panorama - left and right of the Fox Glacier-Mt Cook, NZ's highest mountain (3,600 m) |
Fox Glacier and Andi - to melt away :-)... |
waterfall near the glacier Franz-Josef |
on the beautiful drive along the West Coast |
Lake Wanaka in the late afternoon |
not a pretty picture, but as evidence, a class-I .. movie :-) |
cinema paradiso have - a "secret tip" - a movie theater with couches, cars, ... and full meal service, ... really nice |
just before the jump :-) |
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